Tuesday 15 January 2013

So long, farewell, auf weidersen, good bye

Last week Friday it was my Specialist project 2A deadline. Finally is all I can say to that. This semester I worked a lot harder than the semester before and I hope my final grades show that. If you have read previous posts you will know exactly what I had to do, but here is a quick recap. We had the title 'The Great Outdoors' Out outfits had to come under that title, We also went to Clothes Show live, Which I reviewed HERE I really enjoyed the experiences and having my garment on the catwalk 4/5 days made me so proud. Overall I feel I have passed this and hopefully I've passed with good marks instead of scraping them like last year.

Anyway I finally got the professional photos back for my portfolio and here they are. I hope you like them

A big thank you to my models Ben and Emily. Ben's outfit is actually a woman's but he really looked good in it and it fitted in with my Angry scotsman look.

What do you think? Would you wear them?? 


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