Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Can I please be a mermaid??

Did any of you make new years resolutions? How many have you stuck to? I made just one this year and that was to make myself into the person I want to be inside and out. That includes making my style into what I actually want to wear, having my hair and make up what I've always wanted. So when I got back to where I live I decided to have a HUGE clean out, as in I threw out 7 black bags full of clothes and bags and shoes and things that had really had enough, what was usable I took to the charity shop.

So what is the look I want? Well I've always wanted pastel pink hair, well I have done for the past sort of year but I was holding off for reasons but I finally decided to go ahead and do it, it is pastel pink with bright pink highlights. Here is how it looks - 
I love mermaid wavys and they are so easy to do. A lot of people told me I should go pink because of my wig and how good it looks on me so I did it and I regret nothing. 

My make up style is pretty much the same, I've found a look that I think really compliments my eyes and my face so I didn't want to change this. However I have made it a rule I must do my hair and make up every day for uni, I'm a fashion student I shouldn't be looking shabby.

Onto my style, I haven;t really changed it much, its been changing slowly over the last year anyway. I'm sticking a lot to blacks and greys as I feel I suit these colours quite well. I also like my cross and skulls and bone prints so now my closet has a lot of them in. I am also trying to wear heels and platforms more as they make my legs look a lot nicer.

Here are some of my latest buys, over xmas I received gift cards so shopping was fun - 

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